Sign up for your FREE 5 Day Trial today and get instant unlimited access with NO risk and NO obligation.
You will be amazed as you see your captcha solving problems vanish right in front of your eyes!
Your captcha troubles are over!
After you download the 100% free 5 day trial, you will want to own the software.
Get the fully functional free trial today and make your own decision. You will have five full days to take GSA Captcha Breaker through its paces. Enjoy the unequaled captcha solving firepower waiting for you behind its user friendly interface!
Visit The: GSA Captcha Breaker Official Website
"I bought it right away when it first came out. It’s GSA! It’s been blasting through the captchas with 75% success rate with 475 captchas supported at the moment. It’s also awesome users are trying to help make this software even better by sending GSA new captchas. I highly recommend, especially with GSA Search Engine Ranker [SER]."
How do we know GSA Captcha Breaker is the best?
Creators of the wildly popular GSA Search Engine Ranker (SER), we are experts in the field and have been software leaders for many years. We know that GSA Captcha Breaker is better than Captcha Sniper, Captcha Infinity or any other captcha solving software you can think of because we tested them all in our labs.
The evidence is in. We would be lying if we did not say that GSA Captcha Breaker is simply the best captcha software available anywhere.
Frankly, if it didn’t put the others to shame, we wouldn’t even be releasing it. You could say that we are competitive. We are driven to be the very best — #1.
Why should you believe us when we say GSA Captcha Breaker is the very best?
No reason, really.
That’s why we’re offering you this rare chance to ride the beast now!
Go ahead. We dare you. Ride the beast. Savor its unparalleled ease, convenience, beauty and speed. It won’t even break a sweat. It will gobble up your captchas like a hungry tiger. It will nail your captcha solves so fast your head will spin.
Prove us wrong. Test our claims. Download your free 5 day trial of GSA Captcha Breaker now. There’s nothing to buy. No hidden charges. You’re going to love it.
Grab our 5-Day 100% FREE Trial while we’re still offering it. Find out for yourself if our bold claims about the revolutionary new GSA Captcha Breaker are true.
Your free trial software will be fully functional. The only limitation is that you will have to restart it after every 500 captchas.
The 5 day trial is fully functional and 100% free. The only limitation is that you will have to restart the software after 500 captcha solves.
You tried the rest… now experience the best!
Feel the power. There is nothing else like it!
Admit it. You deserve GSA Captcha Breaker. Download your free trial now!
GSA Captcha Breaker Comes Fully Loaded…
GSA’s customer support is not just good, it’s incredible. GSA has built a huge customer fan base by combining unparalleled customer support with frequent updates (sometimes twice a day). Add the fact that GSA listens to customer requests for features and fixes like few companies have or ever will. There’s only one word for the quality you will consistently get from GSA — incredible!
GSA is fanatic about keeping up with the latest changes in the dynamic captcha environment. The only way to win in this game is to be up on the latest captcha technology. In the case of captcha solving, knowledge is real power. That’s what you will get with GSA — extremely frequent automatic updates as needed.
GSA Captcha Breaker emulates all the top third party captcha solvers. Why mess around with another captcha solving software that is incompatible with the SEO and link building software that you currently use or may use in the future?
GSA Captcha Breaker is compatible with EVERYTHING — and if for some strange reason it isn’t compatible with what you’re using, just ask the GSA engineers and they will MAKE IT compatible! That’s the GSA way!
Boasting the most advanced and easiest to use SDK (captcha type trainer) of any captcha software, GSA Captcha Breaker distinguishes itself by being more teachable and trainable than any other captcha solving software in the market.
Its SDK (Software Development Kit) is usable by a total novice yet hugely beneficial to an expert. Once it learns a new captcha, it will solve it automatically.
Use the editor to add your own captcha solving algorithms. Apply “brute force” to a new captcha in your log. In just three clicks you’ve got your new captcha solve.
Stupid simple easy for the beginner yet packing ultimate dynamite power for the expert, with just a few effortless clicks GSA Captcha Breaker puts you in the captcha fast lane!
The average captcha is routinely solved in under half a second.
GSA Captcha Breaker’s multiple OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology is the most sophisticated of any captcha solving software. Our proprietary OCR engine makes it possible for our software to beat the pants off the competition.
The real test of a captcha software is what it does right from its default settings. GSA Captcha Breaker wins that contest too with currently 430+ built-in captcha solves. This is head and shoulders over anybody else, including CS and CI. Due to its obsession with excellence, GSA keeps adding to that number daily.
GSA Captcha Breaker features an adjustable slider that lets you choose between accuracy and speed. Depending on the types of catchas you are needing to solve, this powerful feature enables you to adjust to changing conditions on the fly.
Another real world test of a software is how it performs beyond the first few hours. Software is meant to run continuously for many hours and days. GSA Captcha Breaker offers unmatched stability. You don’t have to worry about frequent crashes or unexplained slow downs. Let GSA Captcha Breaker do its thing while you get on with the stuff that requires your personal attention.
We hate to admit it, but GSA Captcha Breaker is not able to solve every single captcha automatically. We doubt that any software will ever be able to do that. But there is a handy solution. The unsolved captcha is automatically passed to the third-party captcha solving service of your choice. The twelve preset options include all the popular ones like Decaptcher and DeathByCaptcha.
GSA is proud of its dynamic software user community. The GSA Captcha Breaker community is the cutting edge in real-world captcha solving. Your purchase price gives you a lifetime of participation in an exciting community of like-minded captcha solving enthusiasts. Improved captchas are uploaded by the software to the online database. Your access to the new captchas is free, unlimited and automatic. It’s a valuable membership yet its totally free to software owners.
No hidden fees, no recurring monthly cost, no upsells, no costly upgrades. You get the whole enchilada for one low price. Most users will make their money back and start showing a profit within a few short days or weeks. GSA Captcha Breaker keeps on improving every single day. You benefit with no extra costs to you ever.
To Download Your Free Trial, Please Click The Free Trial Button Above
GSA Captcha Breaker is fully guaranteed by GSA Software Development and Analytics. We offer the best support in the industry. Excellence is our obsession.
Visit the official GSA Captcha Breaker Website Here:
Yes, absolutely. The only restriction is that you cannot run the same license on multiple machines at the same time.
The 5 Day FREE Trial is how you get your review copy.
Yes, it is fully featured. That’s so you can give GSA Captcha Breaker a true test with the captchas you routinely need to solve. You will also have full access to every feature of its super-friendly interface and all of its bells and whistles. During the trial period you will have to restart the software each 500 captchas.
Yes, GSA Captcha Breaker is totally compatible with SE Nuke and its competitors.
There is recaptcha but the solve rate is low. When recaptcha gets cracked, they patch it up fast. So it’s best to focus on captchas with easy automated solves.
GSA Captcha Breaker’s bread and butter is solving popular captcha types like “twitter mobile.” Wth no human interaction, its solve rate for “twitter mobile” is a fast rock solid 71% success rate. That really is where the software shines. It routinely solves the vast majority of the captchas SEO marketers and link builders deal with on a daily basis when building accounts and gaining required access.
We tirelessly work to improve these rates. In the last few months, our solve rates have gone up at least 10%. Nobody in the industry approaches captcha solving with our intensity and discipline. We are insanely dedicated to being the best!
With 430+ built-in captcha solves, don’t be surprised if GSA Captcha Breaker automatically handles up to 80% or more of your captcha solves with no tweaking of any kind. No disrespect intended, but running GSA Captcha Breaker really is stupid simple. Turn it on and let it run for days and days. That’s what software is supposed to do for people. That is what GSA Captcha Breaker will do for you.
“Seoparadise – My Honest Review:
I bought GSA SER a few months ago, and all i can say is that its one of the best seo tools in my arsenal. I rank #1 of Google for many pages using this software. Now i bought GSA CB a few days ago and its just amazing. They release updates almost every day (like GSA SER) and they add new captcha types constantly.
The software solves a big part of the captchas out there and will save you a lot of money. So just grab this great offer and start saving money right now.”
“Joseph Then – Report on the use of Captcha Breaker:
Used CB on SENukeXCR software because this software uses a lot of Captchas and their reporting is clearer. Here’s the report:
Without Captcha-solving software:
– Created only 400+ accounts
– About 17+ Social Network postings made
With Captcha Sniper:
– Created 450+ accounts
– About 30+ Social network postings made
With Captcha Breaker:
- Created 500+ accounts
- About 50+ Social network postings made
In short, CB solves the most captchas and I believe that it will get better as promised. In fact, CB solved ReCaptcha ONCE by chance!”
Visit The Official Captcha Breaker Page:
This 5 Day 100% Free Trial is a special offer to go with the launch of the brand new GSA Captacha Breaker software. After the launch is over, the trial is gone.
Remember, your free software is fully featured with all the bells and whistles that make GSA Captcha Breaker the premier captcha solving software.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Your download is risk free. It costs you nothing
When you decide to get GSA Captcha Breaker, it’s a one-time investment with free frequent updates (often daily) and valuable access to a unique community of power users. There is no opportunity anywhere like this.
If you need to solve captchas, then you really are at the right place at the right time! Grab your free download now before it’s too late!
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